The benefits of an interactive music class
Posted on October 28 2014

Are you looking for ideas and activities to do with your little one? There are many ways that a parent can connect with their baby. Why not enrol in an interactive music class? Many suburbs have locally run music classes for babies and toddlers. The classes often run weekly and are a great way to interact and bond with your baby. Mums have the opportunity to meet other mums too!
Look for a music class where there are a variety of activities and different exposures to music. A class may involve interactive music-making, using instruments, learning a set of lullabies, nursery rhymes and songs with actions. Many classes begin with a welcome song and end with a goodbye song. The repetitive pieces and consistency of the class will help babies to become familiar with the learning experience.
As a parent, you can use the songs and ideas from the class at home when playing. The wonderful thing about music is, everybody loves it and can enjoy it together! It is so simple to learn, teach and play interactive musical games together. Don’t forget to sing loud, make music with a big smile and encourage your child to do the same!
There are so many benefits for babies who participate in interactive music classes with their parents.
Babies who have attended interactive music classes have generally shown to have better early communication skills, like pointing at objects that are out of reach or waving goodbye. Socially, these babies will generally smile more, are easier to soothe, and show less distress when things are unfamiliar or don’t go their way.
Remember that making music helps the body and mind work together, stimulates thinking and expressive skills, and enhances creativity; it also encourages socialisation and builds self-esteem when your baby hears the sounds that they create!
Search for a local age appropriate interactive music class and start the fond association with music for your baby today!
This Tree House Blog was written by: Good to Play Toys